Sunday, August 30, 2009

Fall Newsletter

This years fall edition of The Ugly Voice is being put together now. If you have something that you would like included in this newsletter please forward it to: .com and write "newsletter in the subject area".

Have your voice heard.

Mental Health Loses a Great advocate

With the passing of Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy mental health loses a powerful and effect voice for change.

Kennedy was instrumental in passing the landmark legislation of the mental health parity bill. Kennedy has been fighting for health care reform since the late 1960's. This legislation has been the most progressive movement for mental health suffers in the past ten years.

We all say good-bye to the senator with saddend hearts.

Monday, March 9, 2009


We are a population of people with varying degrees of illnesses and illnesses themselves. Many times we are pushed aside and put in harms way because our illness cannot be seen through a microscope. We are stigmatized and misunderstood because of ignorance and fear.

This needs to stop. We are tired of finding ourselves on the streets, hospitalized or institutionalized because our outpatient services are cut to the bone. Many of our programs are hanging on by a thread.

These budget cuts negate the Olmstead Ruling giving us the right to live in the "least restrictive environment".

Find your voice, we need to ban together under a single banner "the ugly pin" and make a statement that stigma is wrong and budget cuts take away our rights.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Monday February 02, 2009: myself, Mary Munsell (founder) and David Munsell did a presentation at Cove a clubhouse located in Harwich Massachusetts.

The presentation went very well. Our drive is to network with as many providers to the mentally ill as possible. The presentation takes between 15-20 minutes if you are a provider or an interested party within reasonable distance to the Cape Cod area ask about a presentation by emailing us at

The time is right especially with all the recent and ongoing budget cuts that are easily made due to the stigmas, misconceptions and myths surrounding mental illness.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

How We Work Our Campaign

Networking and Word of Mouth is the best way we can start. I share the campaign with every mental health organization I come in contact with. I then ask if I can show my short power point presentation I have. It is only about twenty minutes long. I ask if they would like to join the campaign and also pass around our campaign products and ask them if they would like to use them as a way to fund raise for their organization.

We also offer a newsletter and other printed campaign material.

Over time I hope more people will join in the presentations and use the pins as fund raising tools. The more pins that get out there the more people will ask about them and the more chance we will have to tell them of the unfairness of the stigmas associated with mental illness.

Mrs United States 2008 has joined our campaign! She has promised to wear our pin on her banner during her reign! Mrs USA has dedicated her reign to mental health awareness focusing on the stigma. We are working to have her, her husband and daughter come to Cape Cod and join us in a seminar for the Ugly Pin Campaign this summer.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Where we stand tax-wise

We are currently working on getting a charitable IRS Tax Standing. This way we will be able to get a tax ID number,this will be happening in the near future.

We plan to re-launch the campaign in February of 2009 due to the move.

Please keep an eye out for your copy of the latest edition of "The Ugly Voice" if you did not receive one please let us know. If you would like to write an article for the next edition please forward it to us at the e-mail on the menu on the left. We also would like to see our members writing some materials for us to use in our presentations.

Lets use our voices and pens!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


The January/February 2009 Newsletter is finally finished. I will happily send one out if you send me you email or snailmail address (the latter is much nicer and more personal).

We are growing and have added mental health budget cuts to our fight.

Lets hear from some of you out there. There is always room on the next newsletter and for our campaign material.