Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wow the Seceret is Out

I went to a talk earlier this month and BEHOLD a mental health professional with some mighty impressive credentials spoke the unspoken.

There is a correlation with psychotropic drugs and weight gain. Sure tests say it may be only 1-2 lbs a month but put that over a twelve month period...12-24 lbs. Then add some other drugs to the list each with weight gain as a side effect. Then remember most of us are on these drugs for years.

Not only did he mention the medication but other factors like diabetes, cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, heart disease .... these are contributing factors. Plus you are probably taking mediation for that and they may have the same weight gain side effect.

He says psychiatrists get your scales out in the office and measure your patients girth. Prescribe some exercise too.

I am up over 200 pounds and it is a very hard battle to get the pounds to go in the right direction, down. I am glad someone finally is saying yes there is a connection here.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I Have Moved!

For personal reasons I have returned to Cape Cod. The campaign remains the same. If you need information in western PA please contact us at ugly.pin.campaign@gmail.com to be directed to the Representative in that area.

W are compiling our newsletter mailing list. I prefer to end out "hard copies" so please send us your mailing address as soon as possible. We still have time for a few more entries in our upcoming newsletter. Please we are interested in what you have to say. Send us an email at the address above. INFORMATION IS KNOWLEDGE