Sunday, March 13, 2011

Taking Control

After years of relapses and timely hospital stays I have finally found a key to my recovery.  Yes, you can recover from a mental illness!  It is something that you will learn to manage and meet with on a daily basis but the first step is taking personal responsibility for your illness.  By this I mean taking hold of the reins and not letting your life be lead by your illness, you have choices.  You can blindly follow or you can lead.  Once I accepted that it was up to me not others to make the changes in my life things started to happen.  Now you can find me re-cultivating my artistic side and most importantly my Spiritual Life.  On most days I volunteer at NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Cape Cod.  I have opened my life up to change and change is happening.

Don't define yourself or anyone else by their mental illness your only stigmatizing yourself and them.  People with a mental illness are perfectly capable of living a full and productive life.  For me I had let my illness take so much control over my life I nearly lost everything and that will happen no more.  I am in the drivers seat.  I now have an action plan to deal with daily life and how to respond to re-occurring psychiatric symptoms. I am not afraid of life anymore as a matter of fact I rejoice in it even though I have and had many challenges.

If you have a mental illness yourself or are loving someone who has an illness there is hope out there and slowly the conceptions of mental illness are changing but it takes time and effort.  I challenge you to join me in this fight for life and for control of a difficult illness.  You don't have to join this blog to comment on my posts, stop in once and awhile.

If you would like to see how I deal with my illness on a very personal and spiritual level check out my new blog at: read the welcome post and you will find how a psych hospital and a psychiatrist opened the door within me.

Please join me in this fight of acceptance in change.  Remember the change begins with each and every one!

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